Guild Charter


Charter for the Æthelmearc Moneyers Guild

Be it Known that in those times in which the Emperor Gareth and the Empress Juliana were Sovereigns of Æthelmearc, They, with the advice and consent of Their Senate, agreed for the honor of the Sylvan Kingdom, and for the sake of usefulness, to concede a guild to the moneyers and coin-makers who were petitioning Them. And this was approved before the populace in the presence of the Great Advisors of State. They shall have this guild by law; wherefore, none shall molest nor disturb them in their craft, nor take action against their craft except before the Crown of Æthelmearc. Thus have We passed the following decree for the creation of a Moneyers Guild:

  1. The Official Coins of State for Æthelmearc shall be organized by the Moneyers Guild.
  2. The Guild shall be open to any citizen of Æthelmearc who wishes entry.
  3. But Senior Membership in the Guild shall be granted only to those who substantially participate in the creation of a Royal or Kingdom coin, such as making a die or completely researching the creation of a die.
  4. Should any foreigners wish to practice this craft, they will be welcomed by the guild. For Senior Membership, they must first acquire Æthelmearc citizenship and will afterwards enter into fraternity with the brethren.
  5. There shall be one Guildmaster, and one Treasurer of the Guild. Each shall serve a two-year term. In most instances, the Treasurer will become Guildmaster at the end of a term or should the Guildmaster need to resign.
  6. Elevation to Senior Membership shall be at the discretion of the Guildmaster.
  7. The Guild may petition the Crown for removal of a Guildmaster and/or Treasurer.
  8. The Guild shall be granted a web site on the domain, which will feature images of all Royal and Kingdom coins and dies, along with documentation and contact information.
  9. The Guild shall maintain an appropriate social media presence, such that interested members of the populace will know when relevant events, classes, and workshops are taking place.
  10. The Guild shall maintain interkingdom relationships with the Moneyers Guilds of the Known World, and seek opportunities for inter-kingdom activities.

Based on Henry II’s Grant of a Gild to the Tanners of Rouen (1170) and the Grant of a Gild to the Carpenters of the Commune of Richirzegcheide (1180)
Decreed by Gareth, Rex, et Juliana, Regina, 13 January AS LII (2018)

[Download Charter in PDF format]